CS 246 Notes
CS246 Object-Oriented Software DevOOP from three perspectives:
Programmer’s perspective - How to structure programs correctly, how to lower the risk of bugs.
Compiler’s perspective - What do our constructors actually means, and what must the compiler do to support them.
Designer’s perspective - How to use OOP tools (encapsulation, inheritance, polymorphism, etc.) to build systems.
IntroductionComparison between C and C++:C:
123456#include <stdio.h>;int main() { printf("Hello Wo ...
No title
CS 136 Course NotesWhat is procedural programming?State machine / Program change system state
Topics and Themes
System state & Memory management
Procedural programming style
Data structures & abstract data types
Algorithms design & efficiency
Medium size I/O programs
My PVZ Development Log
Development Log #3OverviewI just made about six pushes during the past three days. Many new features were implemented (actually they’re not “new” because they should be really familiar to those who’ve played the game before :P), but anyways, this is another log for all the updates.
Bugs encountered💀💀💀So far I encountered three big bugs that confused me quite some while. Thanks god I managed to fix them all. Bugs that are the easiest to fix are those where problems are merely logics. That bein ...
My PVZ Development Log
My-Plants-vs-Zombies Development Log #2I just finished my last final exam yesterday so hey, I finally got free time to work on this lil project :P
Just to recap, what I did in the first day are basically setting up a bunch of background images like the images for the lawn and the toolbar. The entire game interface is created so that’s a good start for me.
What I did afterward are following:
Implemented selection and dragging of the plants
Enabling the plants to be “planted” on the ground
Iterati ...
My PVZ Development Log
My PVZ Development Log #1The project is based on C language, mainly focusing on C++. The IDE I used is Visual Studio 2022.
This is the first day of the development, I am looking forward of reproducing a well known 2D tower defense game Plants-vs-Zombies. I am new to C so I would’ve to learn all the basics and perhaps some deeper concepts of this programming language during the development. So for me basically this project is a pretty good preview of those bunch of concepts of C in advance.
I am ...
Hexo + Github 搭建个人博客从0到1教程一、正式搭建博客前需要做的准备(软件安装)搭建前置准备软件:Git:官网下载:https://git-scm.com/
Node.js 官网下载:http://nodejs.cn/
1npm install -g cnpm --registry=https://registry.npm.taobao.org
cnpm个人认为非常强大,当你遇到npm install “xxx” 出现恶心人的报错时(没错,你在搭建的过程中绝对会遇到至少几个抽象的报错,没有人能逃离 | 笑),不妨重新输入一次该死的指令,然后在指令前面加一个小巧可爱的 “ c ”。嗯,很多时候这样简单的操作就可以解决问题。
Win键输入 “Command” 或 “命令提示符” 打开cmd窗口,输入指令:
1cnpm install -g hexo-cli
在本地创建一个文件夹 ...